Module Variables in MSTest

Posted by AgileCoder on July 1, 2010

I have been converting a number of test classes from NUnit to the Microsoft Test Framework (MSTest).  There are a number of quirky differences between the two, but the one that got me last night was how to use module-level variables.

Frequently in NUnit you (or at least I) use [TestFixtureSetup] to set module level variable (like connection strings) eg.

public class AreaDAOTest
     private string _myVar;

     public void Init()
         _myVar = //whatever here...;

This doesn't work in MSUnit because [TestClassInitialize] is required to be a static and can't set reference variable.

The two options I tried were to use [TestInitialze] or a test class constructor.
[TestInitialze] is run every test as expected, but what we didn't expect was that the constructor seemed to be called for each test as well.

The better pattern, discovered by a co-worker (thanks, Paul) for setting module level variables is:

public class AreaDAOTest
     static string _myStaticVar;

     public static void TestSetup(TestContext MSTestContext)
          _myStaticVar = //whatever here...;